English-Uzbek Phrasebook




USA Map. English-Uzbek Phrasebook. Uzbekistan Map.

Meeting, Greeting – Uchrashuv, Salomlashuv.

Hello! Assalomu alaykum!
Good afternoon! Salom!
Hi! Qalaysiz!
Welcome! Xush kelibsiz!
Sir. Janob.
Madam. Xonim.
Sit down, please. Marhamat, o’tiring.
Who are you? Kim siz?
What is your name? Ismingiz nima?
Let me introduce myself. I’m… Ruxsat eting, o’zimni tanishtiray. Men…
May I introduce myself! I am… Sizga o’zimni tanishtirsam. Mening ismim…
I am glad to meet you! Tanishganimdan hursandman!
How do you do? Ishlaringiz qalay?
How do you feel? Qalaisiz? Tuzukmisiz?
Is everything all right (OK)? Hammasi joyidami?
Thank you, fine. Rahmat, yaxshi.
Very well, thank you Juda yaxshi, rahmat
Fine, thanks. Rahmat, yaxshi.
I am OK, thanks. Yaxshiman, rahmat.
So so. Sekin-sekin.
Where do you come from? Qayerdan siz?
I come from… Men… dan keldim.
I am from United States. Men Amerikadanman.
Parting. Xayrlashuv.
Good bye! Xayr!
Good luck! Ishlarizga omad!
Happy journey! Oq yo’l!
See you soon. Tez orada ko’rishguncha.
Please come again. Yana keling.

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Expressing gratitude – Minnatdorchilik.

Thank you! Rahmat!
Please! Iltimos!
Thank you very much! Ko’p rahmat! / Katta rahmat!
Thank you, you are so kind! Iltifotingiz uchun tashakkur!
You are welcome. Arzimaydi.
Agreement / Disagreement. Rozilik / Norozilik.
Well / O.K. Mayli / Yaxshi.
Yes, of course. Ha, albatta!.
Certainly. Albatta.
Right. To’g’ri.
Come in. Kiring.
Just a moment. To’khtab turing.
I will think about it. O’ylab ko’raman.
I don’t think so. Men bunday (bunaqa) deb o’ylamayman.
You are mistaken. Siz yanglishasiz.
Of course, not. Yo’q, albatta.
No way. Iloji yo’q.
Never. Hech qachon.
I don’t know. Bilmadim.
I cannot promise. So’z berolmayman.
I can’t say. Aytolmayman.
Sorry, I’m busy. Kechirasiz, bandman.
I’ve got things to do. Ishim ko’p.
I can’t go. Men bora olmayman.

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Apologies and words used after apologies – Kechirim so’rash va undan keyin javob beriladigan so’zlar.

Sorry. Kechirasiz.
I am sorry. Ming afsus.
It is my fault. Men aybdorman.
That’s all right. Hechqisi yo’q.
Never mind. Ahamiyat bermang.
You do not need to be sorry. Uzr so’rashning hojati yo’q.
No harm done. Zarari yo’q.

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Language and conversation. – Til va suhbat .

Do you speak English? Siz Inglizcha gaplashasizmi?
I (don’t) speak. Men… gapiraman (gapirmayman).
I speak a little. Men ozgina… gapiraman.
Do you understand me? Siz meni tushunayapsizmi? (tushundingizmi).
I (don’t) understand you. Men sizni tushunayapman(tushundim), (tushunmayapman, tushunmadim).
Speak slower please. Sekinroq gapiring.
I understand Uzbek but I cannot speak. Men Ozbek tilini tushunaman ammo gapirmayman.
What’s the Uzbek for? Bu O’zbekchada nima deyiladi?

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Interrogative words. – Savollar beradigan suzlar.

Who? Kim?
What? Nima?
Where? Qayerda?
When? Qachon?
Why? Nega? / Nimaga?
How much? Qancha? / Nechta?

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In the city. – Shaharda.

Where is…? … qayerda joilashgan?
How can I find…? … qanday topsam boladi?
How can I get (something)? Qanday olsam bo’ladi?
How can I reach (somewhere)? … qanday borsam boladi?
Am I right for…? Men to’gri ketayapmanmi?
What direction should I go? Qaysi tarafga borishim kerak?
This way? Bu tarafgami?
On the right. O’ngga.
On the left. Chapga.
I’m looking for the… (street, house). Men… (kochani, uyni) qidirayapman.

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In the Hotel. – Mekhmonkhonada.

Take me to the… (hotel, airport, restaurant). Meni… (mekhmonkhonaga, aeroportga, restoranga) olib borib qo’ying.
Where is the hotel situated? Mekhmonkhona qayerda joylashgan?
Drugstore. Dorikhona.
Shop. Magazin / do’kon.
What hotel shall we stay at? Qaysi mekhmonkhonada to’khtaymiz?
I (We) need a Single (Double) room. Menga (Bizga) bir kishilik (ikki kishilik) khona kerak.
Give me please the key to my room. Xonamning kalitini bering iltimos.
Is there an air-conditioner (TV, phone, fridge) in the room? Xonada konditsioner (televizor, telefon, kholodilnik) bormi?
What floor is my room on? Xonamni ko’rsam boladimi?
The room (doesn’t) suit me. Xona menga ma’qul kel(ma)yapti.
It’s too hot (cold) in my room. Mening xonam issiq (sovuq).
Admiration. / Approval. Tahsin. / Ma’qullash.
Uncommonly! Qoyil! / Ajoyib!
Very good! / Well! Juda soz!

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In the shop. – Magazinda.

Where can I buy? Qayerda sotib olsam boladi?
I want to buy… … sotib olmoqchiman.
How much does…cost? … necha pul? / … qancha turadi?
How much should I pay? Necha pul tolashim kerak?
Show me… Ko’rsating menga…
Have you…? Sizda… bormi?
Where shall I pay? Qayerga to’lashim kerak?
Where is the exit? Chiqish qayerda?

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Days of week. – Hafta kunlari.

Sunday. Yakshanba.
Monday. Dushanba.
Tuesday. Seshanba.
Wednesday. Chorshanba.
Thursday. Payshanba.
Friday. Juma.
Saturday. Shanba.

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Numbers. – Raqamlar .

1. Bir.
2. Ikki.
3. Уч.
4. To’rt .
5. Besh.
6. Olti.
7. Yetti.
8. Sakkiz.
9. To’qqiz.
10. O’n.
20. Yigirma.
30. O’ttiz.
40. Qirq.
50. Ellik.
60. Oltmish.
70. Yetmish.
80. Sakson.
90. To’qson .
100. Yuz.
1000. Ming.
1 000 000. Million.
1 000 000 000. Milliard .

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