Adventure travel is a type of tourism, involving exploration or travel to remote, exotic and possibly hostile areas, where the traveler should “expect the unexpected”. Uzbekistan adventure tourism is rapidly growing in popularity, as tourists seek different kinds of vacations.
Adventure tourism gains much of its excitement by allowing its participants to step outside of their comfort zone. This may be from experiencing culture shock or through the performance of acts, that require significant effort and involve some degree of risk (real or perceived) and/or physical danger.
This may include activities such as visits to natural, cultural, historical and other sights; mass visits of big groups of people, separate groups and individuals to special zones of ecological study; participation in public activities aimed at the support of environmental protection; watching and communication with nature.
Ecotourism is a form of tourism that involves traveling to tranquil and unpolluted natural areas of Uzbekistan.
Nature Reserves, Parks and Hunting places of Uzbekistan:
– Zaamin Mountainous Forest (Juniper) Reserve;
– Chatkal Mountainous Forest Reserve;
– Nurata Mountainous Nut and Fruit Nature Reserve;
– Gissar State Reserve; Surkhan State Reserve;
– Kyzyl-kum State Reserve;
– Baday-Tugai State Reserve;
– Zerafshan State Reserve;
– Abdusamatsky, Akbulaksky, Arnasaisky, Sangardaksky State Reserves;
– Djeiran EcoCenter;
– Ugam Chatkalsky National Park;
– Zaaminsky Peoples’ Park;
– Karakul State forest hunting ground;
– Dalverzin (Dalverzinskoe) State forest hunting ground;
– Arnasay (Arnasayskoe) State forest hunting ground;
– Karakulskoe State forest hunting ground;
– Bukharskoe State forest hunting ground;
– Kungradskoe State forest hunting ground;
– Kazakdaryinskoe State forest hunting ground.
Extreme tours and travel opportunities in Uzbekistan: trekking expeditions, horseback tours, camel trips and cycling in Uzbekistan, extreme tours in the mountains and deserts of Uzbekistan, fishing tours.